Christmas Gift PLR – Six Gift Guides

Ho! Ho! Ho!  I’m here with some Christmas gift PLR for you.

We are approaching the gift-giving season.  And the gift-giving season, as you probably know, is the money-making season for retailers, whether they are in-store or online.  And if you do it right, it’s the money-making season for you as an affiliate marketer, too.  Merry Christmas!

2017 Christmas Gift Guides PLR

I want to tell you all about Tiffany Lambert’s collection of PLR gift-giving guides.  I also want to give you some guidelines about how to set up an affiliate gift site.  And honestly, I’m cribbing the guidelines from an e-mail that Tiff wrote (with her permission, of course) because her advice is just so good.

First, here’s the scoop on Tiff’s PLR pack.  It’s a collection of six gift guides covering all the most popular gift categories:

  • Smart gadgets
  • Sports and outdoors
  • Kids’ toys
  • Video games
  • Luxury beauty
  • Electronics

Each of these guides details different types of gifts within its category.   You can get more detail on her sales page here:

How to Set Up An Affiliate Gift Site

Now, here’s what you need that PLR pack for:  setting up an affiliate gift site.  Here’s how to do it.

Get Started

First, decide whether to make it seasonal or year-round.  You get more life out of your site if you make it year-round, of course.  Shoppers will be looking for gift ideas for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other celebrations.  The products you promote on your site won’t be much different whether you make it seasonal or year-round.   The difference will be your domain name, your graphics, and maybe some of the text in your blog posts.

Second, pick a domain that’s general and suitable for gifts of all kinds and for all sorts of people.

Third, set up a WordPress blog.  Decide how to categorize it — by type of gift (electronics, sports, etc.), by holiday or occasion for gift giving (birthday, graduation), by recipient (Mom, toddlers, husband or wife), or whatever you think your visitors will find helpful.

Keep It Going

Fourth, you want to cater to all of your visitors.  So spread your blog posts out over the different categories that you choose.  To be sure that you do, create a tracker for yourself.  It can be a spreadsheet or a stack of index cards, however you like to work.  As you work on your site, you’ll be able to keep track of how many posts you have for each category.

Fifth, keep a long view. Some of the products you promote on your blog may change frequently.  Electronics are like that.  They’re always evolving.  But some of them will never change.  You’ll never have to update a blog post on a child’s wading pool or a box of golf balls.  Continue to work on your site consistently and persistently, whether you use PLR, write the posts yourself, or combine the two.  After a while, you’ll have a nice money-maker.

Hone Your Profit Strategy

Sixth, take a tiered approach to linking. Let’s use video games as an example.  Create one post that is an overview of video games and link to the video games best seller page.  Place the hyperlink on the expression “video games” so it looks like this:

Check out these cool video games.

(Make sure you use your affiliate link.)

Then, in this post or another one, discuss accessories and link to the accessories page.  Within the accessories page, link to each brand, like Xbox One Headsets or PlayStation 4 Headsets.  When you aren’t linking to an exact product, link to a search results page or the bestseller’s list.

Seventh, when you use PLR, you may have to tweak it to make it sound like you’re describing a gift.  For example, take a sentence like:

“If you’re a beginner, then you want to get a simple set of golf clubs”

And change it to:

“If they’re a beginner, then you want to get them a simple set of golf clubs.”

Eighth, share the blog posts! Every time you hit publish, share it on Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, or Pinterest.

Now, you need to go get Tiff’s Christmas gift PLR and put it to work for you.  Here’s the link again:







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