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 An Ebook/Workbook Combo on Living an Intentional Life

We all want to live a happy and fulfilled life, but sometimes we struggle with how to go about doing that. If your audience is in the same spot, the answer may be to live a more intentional life. It's an interesting concept that's gotten a lot of attention over the past few years. When you life with intention and purpose, you get more done, live a better life, increase your self-confidence, end up feeling happier and more fulfilled, have better relationships, and it may even improve your health and overall well-being. Do you think this is something your audience is interested in?

We've put together an extensive PLR ebook with lots of content to help you get up and running quickly in the profitable and important self help niche. Are you ready to help your audience live a more intentional and fulfilling life?

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Your Living An Intentional Life PLR Bundle Includes:

Ebook (5,832 words)

“Being Intentional And Living Your Life To The Fullest ebook” will teach your readers about

The Table of Contents include:

Part 1: What Does Being Intentional Mean?

  • Being Intentional Means Taking Control
  • Being Intentional Means Planning Your Life
  • Being Intentional Means Defining And Living Within Your Values
  • Being Intentional Means Living Your Life With Purpose
  • Being Intentional Means Making Good Choices
  • Being Intentional Causes You To Improve Your Confidence
  • Your Intentions and Purpose Can Be Big Or Small
  • Being Intentional Can Help You Find Meaning In Life
  • Being Intentional Means Finding Your Passion
  • Being Intentional Helps You Feel More Secure in Your Place
  • Being Intentional Helps You Leave A Legacy

Part 2: How To Live More Intentional

  • There Is No Magic Pill
  • Start Small To Avoid Overwhelm
  • Make Intentional Choices Every Day
  • Set Smart Goals
  • Think Before You Act
  • Pray or Meditate
  • Keep a Journal
  • Stop and Evaluate Frequently
  • Remind Yourself of Your “Why”
  • Learn More About What You Want To Be Intentional About
  • Surround Yourself With Like-minded People
  • Do It Anyway
  • Be Gracious and Forgiving With Yourself
  • Notice Changes
  • Review Your Intentions Regularly
  • Remember, This Is A Journey
  • Use The Included Workbook

This meaty 5,832 word ebook would make a great info product that you can promote to your audience. It would be a perfect addition to the 30 Day Living with Purpose Challenge we offer, but works just as well as a standalone product. Edit it slightly as needed to fit your audience and your style, and you can have a brand new ebook up and ready for sale over the course of a day or two. Or take the content and use it to create a class or coaching program on the topic. Of course you can also break the content apart and use it as you see fit. Break it down into three shorter reports to use as lead magnets, or create a long series of blog posts. No matter how you decide to use the content, your readers will appreciate this information about living a more intentional life..

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Living a Life of Purpose & Intention Workbook

You may have heard that it takes 30 days to create a habit and with this journal you can help your readers and clients get in the habit of being intentional and living a life of purpose. There are 33 pages that will help record thoughts and progress as your audience makes the daily choice to life with purpose and enjoy their life to the fullest.

The workbook includes a handy daily habit tracker, inspirational quotes, and of course plenty of space for them to record their thoughts and feelings. Readers can print out  a fresh copy or each month and continue to use the workbook for as long as they need it.

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If you want to help your readers to live a more intentional and fulfilled life, you can get this incredibly value-packed bundle for only $37. That’s way less than you’d pay a quality ghostwriter to write just a couple of  articles for you.


That's an ebook and workbook for just $37. Give your readers the content they are looking about  Living An Intentional Life with this  PLR  

10 Ways To Instantly Use This Package

Not sure where to start? Here are a few quick ideas to put this self-help content to good use right away to grow YOUR business.

  1. Use each section of the ebook and turn them into an article series. Then email your list about them.
  2. Share the body of the email text you sent as social media posts with links to the blog posts.
  3. Add a title page, about the author, and recommended resources and you’ll have an eBook that you can give a way at the bottom of each blog post. Write a quick Call to Action to build your subscriber list.
  4. Do the same as above, but sell the eBook to build a customer list. This could be your entry level product that not only builds this paying customer list, but also feeds into the rest of your product funnel.
  5. Create a 30 Day group coaching program or interactive challenge based on the topic of this package. Hand the eBook to your clients to follow along and have something to take away with them after the program runs its course.
  6. Create a personal coaching program based on the same info with more personalized suggestions for each client.
  7. Use the content to create a quick audio or video product. If you have a podcast here’s the content for your next few episodes.
  8. Use the topics to record Facebook Live videos for your self-help audience.
  9. Hold a series of self-help webinars based on the content.
  10. Mix and match all of the above. Remember, this is your content. You can re-purpose it as many different times and in as many different formats as you see fit.
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