Tracy and Susanne at Piggy Makes Bank create a couple of 30 day challenges a month. These are excellent vehicles for creating a community, growing your list, and fostering interaction between yourself and your readers. This month’s health and wellness challenge is on a topic that millions of people can relate to — relaxation and stress reduction PLR. Continue reading
Who DOESN’T Need Relaxation and Stress Reduction PLR?
Personal Development PLR Mega Pack – 150 Articles and More

Spring Season PLR — A Three-Part Bundle
Jenn Andersen at is celebrating the season with some spring season PLR. Since it’s a three-pack, it’s a nice mix of articles, a short report and autoresponders. It’s also a nice mix of physical health content, mental health content, and just clean living content. Continue reading
Smart Bloggers Use PLR
I’m happy to report that I’ve published my new Kindle book, Smart Bloggers Use PLR. Continue reading
Journal and Planner PLR — Check Out This New Site
I’ve just learned about a new site with journal and planner PLR and I want to tell you all about it. It’s called and it’s the brainchild of Sue Fleckenstein. I like it because a lot of people really love journals, planners, and other printables. And there’s no wonder why that is, when you consider how many niches and target audiences these products are helpful for.
Fill the Holes in Your Blog with This Men’s Health PLR