Emergency Preparedness PLR

I don’t know about you but it seems to me the world gets scarier every day.  Extreme weather events including severe storms, tornados, droughts, and wildfires; terrorist attacks; cyber attacks; crime (here in Chicago, the murder rate is sky high); civil disorder.

Man.  It’s dangerous out there.  It makes you want to hide under the covers.  Or to get up and proactively prepare for emergencies.  Let’s pick emergency preparedness.  Let’s help your readers know what steps to take to prepare for natural disasters and other emergencies.

Emergency Preparedness PLR

Fortunately for all of us, Tracy and Susanne at Piggy Makes Bank have a terrific emergency preparedness PLR pack.  Use it to help your readers prepare for natural disasters in their area.

Since preparing for emergencies means making sure you have appropriate supplies on hand, it’s easy to monetize this niche.  In fact, Tracy and Susanne include 10 product recommendations as part of the pack.

In addition to the product recommendations, you get 10 articles, three emergency preparedness checklists, and 10 social media posts.  Here are the article titles:

  1. Do You Have A Family Emergency Plan?
  2. Keeping Important Documents Safe and Secure
  3. Creating A Basic Emergency Kit
  4. Be Prepared For Natural Disasters In Your Area
  5. Food and Water Storage In Case Of Emergency
  6. Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Tips
  7. Tornado Emergency Preparedness Tips
  8. Snow Storm Emergency Preparedness Tips
  9. Dealing With Long Power Outages
  10. Basic Survival Skills Anyone Should Have

The topics of the three checklists are:

  • basic first aid kit
  • emergency supplies
  • storm safety.

Help your readers get prepared with this handy emergency preparedness PLR pack.  This pack sells for $27 on the Piggy site.

Here’s my link:

Emergency Preparedness PLR







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