Give Your Readers an Ultimate Battle Plan — Internet Marketing PLR

Do you have internet marketers in your audience?  Then have a look at this.  It's an enormous pack of PLR lead magnets, content upgrades, and marketing materials.  This internet marketing PLR covers some crucial topics and you and your new subscribers will love it.Do you have internet marketers in your audience?  Then have a look at this.  It’s an enormous pack of PLR lead magnets, content upgrades, and marketing materials.  This internet marketing PLR covers some crucial topics and you and your new subscribers will love it.

This pack is from Alice Seba.  Alice has been a successful PLR provider for just about as long as there have been PLR providers.  Here are some details about the pack:

Internet Marketing PLR

  • 4 Detailed Reports (.docx): That cover the latest and most effective marketing tactics and strategies. Topics Include:
    • 1. The Ultimate Growth Hacking Mastery Battle Plan … Mastering Disruptive Marketing
    • 2. The Ultimate Social Media Automation Battle Plan
    • 3. The Ultimate Video and Image Content Hacking Battle Plan
    • 4. The Ultimate Content Creation Battle Plan
  • 2 Resource Lists (.docx): Comprehensive resource lists including the best tools for video creation, photo editing, and tools to help in creating content.
  • 3 Detailed Checklists (.docx): That cover producing content for list building, disruptive marketing best practices, and SEO tips for driving blog traffic.
  • Content Calendar Template (.xlsx): Detailed calendar to use for every month of the year to track monthly goals, content topics, brand events, holidays and special promotions.
  • Content Planning Template (.xlsx): To plan out content for each week including content format, topic, status, dates and any notes to stay on track.
  • 5 Social Media Best Practice Guides (.docx): These guides include the most up to date information on social media including Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat and Instagram.
  • 4 Professionally-Designed Ecover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each guide to help your opt-ins stand out.
  • 4 Lead-Generating Opt-in Pages: To help with list growth, you also get the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code.

Here’s my link:


If you like the front end and decide to buy it, have a look at the upsell.  You’ll find even more to love.  It’s a set of 10 more internet marketing PLR reports.  Here are the topics:

1. The Ultimate PR Authority and Brand Building Battle Plan
2. The Ultimate Live Streaming Battle Plan
3. The Ultimate Battle Plan to Growth Hacking Using Competitive Intelligence
4. The Ultimate Battle Plan to Growth Hacking via Retargeting
5. Growth Hacking 101: The Ultimate Analytics Battle Plan
6. The Ultimate Battle Plan to Massive Traffic Using Paid Advertising
7. The Email Marketing Battle Plan
8. The Ultimate Battle Plan to Growth Hacking Using Automation
9. The Ultimate Battle Plan to Explode Your Marketing by Thinking Outside the Box
10. The Forgotten Battle Plan: The Ultimate Guide to Old-School Growth Hacking

Both the front end and the upsell are conceived as lead magnets.  But with all of that content, you can easily make a paid product.  Take the short reports and edit them into a single, high value e-book.  Or, if you prefer, create a paid e-course by sending a new short report to your readers every week.  On the other hand, you can use the collection to populate a membership site.

This is a highly informative, very current pack of internet marketing PLR content.  Have a look at it.  Here’s my link again:

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