If you want to succeed in internet marketing, you need to succeed in email marketing. Today’s email marketing PLR gives your readers actionable steps to take to increase email profits in incremental but real ways. And wouldn’t you love to help them do that? Continue reading
Email Marketing PLR – Untapped Profits
Self-Help PR – Choosing Forgiveness Challenge

Please, forgive me…
To be candid, I’m not sure how to categorize this PLR. I called it “self-help PLR” in the title. And I do think that forgiveness is a kind of self-help. Continue reading
Blogging PLR – 30 Day Blogging Challenge
If you work in a niche where your subscribers are bloggers, here’s an excellent opportunity to engage them. Run a 30 day blogging challenge with this blogging PLR bundle.
This package helps you teach your readers how to become better bloggers. You can help them make real progress with their blogs with daily blogging tips and lots of ideas for fun and fresh blog post topics. Continue reading
Healthy Eating PLR – Sugar Detox
Do your readers a favor. Help them give up sugar. This healthy eating PLR will help you walk your readers through a sugar detox.
Sugar is highly addictive, found in almost every food for sale, and very, very bad for you. If you have health conscious readers, they may already be aware of the health effects of too much sugar. Continue reading
Weight Loss PLR – Four Weeks to a Healthier, Slimmer You
There’s no need for me to point out how popular the weight loss market is. And Alice Seba has some new weight loss PLR out that will help you grow your list and develop a great relationship with your subscribers.
You know that everyone gives out a free report as an opt-in. But here you’ve got not one but four reports. And each report has a checklist and a worksheet. It’s a four-week e-course that will inspire your readers to be slimmer and healthier.
Weight-Loss PLR
The four health guides are:
- 1. Setting Your Health and Body Goals
- 2. Making Eating Healthy a Part of Your Every Day Life
- 3. Making Exercise a Part of Your Every Day Life
- 4. Staying on the Health Track
The pack also includes a worksheet and a checklist to accompany each short report. There’s an email to deliver each of the four sets of course materials. There are a couple of versions of the professionally-designed e-covers for the reports. And Alice is throwing in a lead-generating opt-in page to gather e-mail addresses.
All that excellent content is available on Alice’s List Magnets site for $47. Go here for full details and to get yours:
If you don’t yet know Alice’s work, you should get to know it. She’s been writing PLR for over 10 years and is a highly reliable PLR producer.
Check it all out here
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Wellness PLR – 30 Day Happiness Challenge
Now, here’s a great suggestion for a Facebook group to expand your list. This wellness PLR is a 30 day happiness challenge.
Hmm. Thirty days of happiness. Who could possibly pass that up?
The package includes 30 blog posts and 30 e-mails that direct your subscribers back to the blog posts. Load the e-mails into your auto-responder to alert your readers to your blog posts. And link to your blog posts from your Facebook group. Continue reading
Blogging PLR – Revive Your Old Blog Posts
Have you ever noticed that you never graduate from blogging school? At the beginning, just getting your blog online is an achievement. And then you add more content, get it looking better, get more engagement, monetize it better, get more traffic. . . and so forth.
Your blog is never finished. You always have improvements to make.
Blogging PLR
Tracy and Susanne at Piggy Makes Bank have some blogging PLR that helps you improve your blog by showing you how to improve your old posts. Here are the topics of the short report:
- How to figure out what blog posts you should rework to get the most bang for your buck.
- Tips for reworking your content to get it up to date and make it appealing for both your readers and the search engines.
- Simple things you can do to make sure each revived blog post is fully monetized.
- Use images to make it visually appealing and help with social media.
- Simple things you can do to drive more traffic to the revived blog post.
- Rinse and repeat with more old content on a regular basis.
You get a couple of supplemental pieces, too. A checklist helps your readers proceed step by step to evaluate and update their blog posts. And a spreadsheet helps them keep track of the posts that they’ve revive and how they have revived them. You also get three social media images.
Here’s my link:
If you have readers who blog, this blogging PLR can help you help them to improve the quality of their blogs, drive more traffic to it, update content, improve images, and rake in more cash.
This pack sells on the Piggy Makes Bank site for $27.
Here’s my link again:
More about PLR:
What’s PLR and What Do I Do with It?
Find High Quality PLR Before You Buy – Get Free Samples
One of These Things Is Not Like the Others — Make Your PLR Unique
Clean Eating PLR – Are Your Readers Up for a Challenge?
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how much cyber space is consumed on the topic of clean eating. Readers eat it up. So to speak. If you’ve got a spot on your blog that’s starved for some good health content, this clean eating PLR may just hit the spot.
Okay, I’ll stop with the puns now. Continue reading